Trick or Treat
Jaycob went trick or treating this year. It's was his first year, I'm of the mind that if they can't walk from door to door then their too little to go!! So this year was his first and he did GREAT!!
He was not afraid of the other costumed children. He walked up to the doors and knocked (it took a couple houses for him to get the idea he had to move aside so the people could open the door!). About half the houses he said, "Teek, Tneet" and held out his bucket! He would get his candy and say and sign, "Dank, oooo". And he'd be on his way!! Looking for the next house with a light.
The first few houses Jaycob insisted on setting down his bucket taking the candy and putting it in his bucket himself! He would NOT let other people put the candy in! But he caught on to that soon enough. He caught on real quick to the fact that we only went to the houses with the lights on. He had awesome fun!!
Abygail stayed home and handed out candy. From what Bryan says... She FREAKED OUT!!! They had started out and planned on sitting outside the whole time. They ended up coming in and taking off her costume after the first or second group of kids. She played while he waited for the trick or treaters... She did NOT have awesome fun!!
We did get a few pictures before all the fun started, I'll try to get them up soon enough!!