Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Environment Strikes Again!
Yep, we found another tick in the house. This time it was attatched dead center on the top of Jaycob's head! Daddy found it while giving baths and removed it. The poor bug is now dying a slow painful death inside TWO Ziploc bags. Daddy did some research and found out that it was for sure a dog tick, which is a non-Lyme carrying species!
Daddy, our hero!!
Guess that little sign Jaycob is holding in the last post really didn't mean a thing!!
Posted by Melanie at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Yet Another New Park
Posted by Melanie at 8:41 PM 1 comments
Getting Out the Door
Trying to get out the door this morning I'm hurrying up and I have things gathered. I have all the bags I need in my hand and Abygail by my side. Where's Jaycob?
I walk around the corner in the living room to see him standing there with his pants and underwear down around his ankles, A&D in hand, and a great smearing of the A&D across his bottom!! Great!
Posted by Melanie at 8:31 PM 1 comments
Egg Hatching
This morning I threw clothes on the floor and told Jaycob to get dressed. As I walk by a couple minutes later I notice he's just playing with the clothes in the spot where I left them. I tell him, "Put on your clothes." A couple more minutes go by, he's sitting on his clothes. I sit down in front of him and tell him, "Ok buddy lets get dressed so we can go bye-bye". He looks at me with a big grin, says "Nest, Mah-ma". "Oh really? Your pretending your clothes are a nest?" And I notice he did in fact make a nest shape with his clothes. Then he just barely lifts his butt up off the clothes, underneath him a rolled up barely wet diaper of Abygail's I left on the floor, and says "Oh! Oh! Oh! Egg Mah-ma egg. Broke! Egg broke!" and he's signing bird!! Me, "Oh you're sitting on an egg in a nest and it just hatched?" Vigorous head shaking ensues and he starts getting dressed! Go figure!
Posted by Melanie at 8:20 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 28, 2007
Our Memorial Day
For the holiday we went to Melissa and Kaylee's. I'm not sure if I've mentioned before or not, but Melissa's been pregnant since I've known her. Last Wednesday she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who they named Brooke! The reason I mention this is that I knew Daddy and I would be holding and paying a bit of attention to Brooke and I was slightly worried about how Abygail would react to this!! Daddy was the first to hold Brooke and Abygail came running over kinda concerned about it all. But she was fine after that first few minutes and she really couldn't care at all if I held the baby!
The kids had a blast playing in the pool! I think Jaycob barely even came away from the the pool. We had to yell at Abygail a few times to stay away from the grill while the food was cooking. A few minor toddler disputes, but all in all the kids were very good!
For lunch we had some very yummy hamburgers, hot dogs, and all their fixings. I made a pasta salad and we had chips as well! Between the 3 kids I don't know who ate what. There was so much 'sharing' going on between them... I just have no idea who ate how much of what. But all well I know they each had a little bit of something and seemed content enough to get up and play!
We had decided to do it in the afternoon opposed to the evening due to the children's naps. Oh boy and did they let us all know they were ready for naps! We got them out of the pool, brought them inside, got them dressed and ready to go when all of a sudden Jaycob starts freaking out! We couldn't figure out what he was saying and what it was he was saying. He kept pointing outside and saying something we didn't understand. We finally figured out that he was worried about the baby! He had noticed that no one was holding her and he thought we had left her outside!! Up until this point he hadn't even really acknowledged the baby. So it was a surprise to me that all of a sudden he thought we were all being very neglectful and leaving her outside! Not to mention the fact that how does he know that is would be just wrong for us to have left the baby outside?? We promptly showed him that Brooke was inside and napping. He was fine after that!
We had the kids pass around hugs, came home, and put the kids in bed! Both Jaycob and Abygail ended up sleeping a little over 2 hours. I guess playing with Kaylee wore them out!
Thanks guys for having us over!!! We had a blast!!
Posted by Melanie at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Memorial Day
Posted by Melanie at 8:24 AM 1 comments
See Parents Jump
Early this morning, way too early. We're talking 0300 here people.... The smoke/fire alarm went off!! Ohhh Yeah I don't think I've ever seen Daddy move so fast! And I was right behind him! I think we both hurt ourselves hopping out of bed so quickly!
Daddy went and made sure it wasn't in Jaycob's room. Then went downstairs to check around all the alarms there. By the time Daddy had gotten to Jaycob's room the alarm had went off though.
We still don't know what alarm/s it was, why it/they went off, and if ours was the only one or not. We have 2 alarms that our hardwired into the house and 5 or 6 that we bought and put up, so we're not sure if it was the ones that are wired in or one of the other ones. Daddy also swears that he heard the neighbors up and about then too...
I think this one may never be solved. I know that it took both of us a long while to fall back asleep. Yes, both kids slept through all of the ruckus!
Posted by Melanie at 6:29 AM 1 comments
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Plantless No More
Ok well you can't see it that well in these pictures, but I do have plants!! At both ends the hostas are growing, the one in the middle is not! I see no signs of the pansies. And the grow balls
(the wild flowers) are all sprouting plants. I can't tell what they are yet, but they ARE growing! If you look really hard in the pictures (click on them to make them larger) you can see the sprouts coming out of the balls!
Posted by Melanie at 8:30 PM 1 comments
Kids in the Pool
Posted by Melanie at 6:28 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 25, 2007
A Boy and His Underwear
Posted by Melanie at 8:43 PM 1 comments
A Girl and Her Cookies
Posted by Melanie at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Beach Fun
Today we went to the beach with a bunch of friends. I really didn't think the kids would have much to do with the water, but I was wrong! At one point I had to yell at Jaycob a couple times to come closer to the water line. And Abygail I just worried about her lack of balance and attention in the water! They both had the time of their lives though! Neither really wanted to come home, but Abygail was more then ready!
Too boot I'm nice and red too! Even though I put on lotion.
Posted by Melanie at 8:21 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Black into Green??
That is, I'm trying my hand at turning my black thumb into a green thumb! Do you think its possible? Probably not, but I'm trying anyhow!
A few weekends ago I tore everything out of my front flower bed. Earlier this week we bought some soil and bed edging/border. Today I put up the border and added the soil. So I'm trying to grow many various wild flowers, hostas, and pansies.... I'm really not counting on any of it growing, but I planted them all anyway!
This is what the bed looks like right now. Pretty but plantless!
Posted by Melanie at 2:56 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Posted by Melanie at 3:09 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
Childproof, Huh?
Posted by Melanie at 9:22 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
About His Day
Once again you all may not get a lot out of this without the visual, but this one is more for my memory! This is Jaycob was telling Daddy about his day playing at Kaylee's!!
Posted by Melanie at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Day in the Sun
We went to the park this morning with Melissa and Kaylee. The kids didn't really seem interested in playing so......
We went to Kaylee's and played in the pool! Everybody's having fun!
In the first picture Jaycob pushed Kaylee down the slide before she was ready and in the second he's kissing her telling her he's sorry!
Posted by Melanie at 2:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 14, 2007
Ok, that's all, I just wanted to note that!
Posted by Melanie at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Monday Library/ Park
Ok I know this picture stinks, but hey! It is a picture!
We went to the library this morning, forgetting that there is no more story time until the middle of June! We ended up getting 2 movies, one about trains and the other about firetrucks. And we still have the farm one too. We also got books about a flamingo(Hi! Pop-Pop!), friends, spring weather, and a dump truck.
After the kids were done at the library we went to one of the parks nearby. The kids played on the playground equipment for a bit but then just didn't seem into it. So I walked them down to the field and we threw around these kite/frisbee things for a while. Jaycob is getting really good at figuring out how to throw them, its kinda tricky!
Posted by Melanie at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Sunday Walk
Posted by Melanie at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Easter Grass... The Final Chapter
Posted by Melanie at 9:52 AM 2 comments
I Feel Like A Thief
Have you ever went garage/yard sale-ing and found such a deal on something that you felt you should offer more money for the item?? That's what happened to me today. I'm ecstatic that I got such an awesome deal, but even now, over 2 hours later I'm feeling like I should go back and give her more money!!
We seen signs yesterday advertising a yard sale in one of the communities here on base. It started at 0700... Well we all know if you want the good selection you have to go early, so I really was debating going. Since Jaycob got up at 0530 this morning I figured why not!!
I'm usually not a yard sale person (not for any particular reason other then I never want to leave the house early enough!), but here on base the circumstances of people getting rid of stuff are a bit different. When you get transferred and the military moves your stuff it has to be under a very specific weight limit. So when people are getting rid of things around here the chances are there is some good stuff they just CAN'T take with them!
Anyways.... I went and took Aby with me! She got up way too early too! The yard sale the signs were for was just one house and she had a few tables out of all girls clothing. I ended getting Abygail 3 pairs of pants, 1 skort, 1 dress, and 2 shirts for $3. So I figured that was worth the trip across base! But then the lady told me that down and across the street some other people were setting up spur of the moment like! So Abygail and I walked down there and oh my!... It looked like a flea market down there!! I really didn't find much of anything. That is except a whole large box of GeoTrax... The box was marked $1.00. I asked the lady what was a dollar, figuring she was asking a dollar a piece. She came back with, "I'm asking a dollar for the whole box".... WHAT??? I told her she was crazy, handed her a dollar, and took off before she could change her mind!! The box ended up having the WHOLE mountain bridge starter set, the train depot, 2 remote control trains and the cars to go with them. The only thing missing was the boulders and signs!! All for a mere dollar!! This is what I feel so guilty for. This set retails for $60 I think... eBay is usually about $49. plus $20 for shipping!
I sooo feel like a thief!!! Ever feel like this??
Oh and the kids were completely thrilled with my purchase!
Posted by Melanie at 9:06 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thoughtful Evils
- The fact that he knows Abygail is going to walk in a certain direction and set up obstacles for her to trip over....
- He can know that she's crabby and looking for her baby and he'll go and hide it on her, knowing this will upset her and push her over the edge...
- She'll drop a snack on the floor, go to get it, and he'll race down before her and eat it. Sending her into fits of screaming while he laughs at her...
The list goes on and on and on!
How can my child be old enough (maybe the question should be evil enough?) to think these things out??
Posted by Melanie at 10:49 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Chocolate Pudding Pie
Posted by Melanie at 11:00 PM 1 comments