Story of a House (Walls)
Walls you ask... Yeah I know I've taken about a bazillion pictures of plenty of walls!! Lets start from the beginning! Yesterday was our walk through where we tell the guys what needs fixed before we can move in. It was mostly little stuff... Paint on the light switch, red marks on the walls, nails popping through, fingerprints around a mirror, lack of paint in certain places, a really uneven closet shelf, ect. All simple enough stuff to fix.
Here's were the 'walls' title comes in... We're walking through the kitchen/sun room area and our fridge is sitting in the middle of the room. We ask when they'll get it in. The guy pipes up, "Ohhhh, well we have a problem. The fridge doesn't fit there, so we have to move the wall". What?? Move the wall?? All as he's pointing at my one and only place to store dry goods!! I'm thinking oh no you don't!!!