Saturday, March 28, 2009

Story of a House (Walls)

Walls you ask... Yeah I know I've taken about a bazillion pictures of plenty of walls!! Lets start from the beginning! Yesterday was our walk through where we tell the guys what needs fixed before we can move in. It was mostly little stuff... Paint on the light switch, red marks on the walls, nails popping through, fingerprints around a mirror, lack of paint in certain places, a really uneven closet shelf, ect. All simple enough stuff to fix.

Here's were the 'walls' title comes in... We're walking through the kitchen/sun room area and our fridge is sitting in the middle of the room. We ask when they'll get it in. The guy pipes up, "Ohhhh, well we have a problem. The fridge doesn't fit there, so we have to move the wall". What?? Move the wall?? All as he's pointing at my one and only place to store dry goods!! I'm thinking oh no you don't!!!

You see that tiny little closet door? That's my pantry. The fridge is supposed to sit right next to it. The fridge now doesn't fit (because I guess they don't expect people to buy the upgraded appliance package?). So now they're simply shaving 2 inches of the wall on the outside of my pantry. The guy assured me that my closet space wouldn't be compromised, I'm not so convinced!!
We go back on Tuesday to do our final walk through, sign some papers, and get keys!! Yay! I'm so excited. Lets keep our fingers crossed it all goes smooth enough!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Valentine's Day at the end of March??

I don't know but Abygail is insisting its Valentine's Day today!! She want to do heart crafts and she told me it, "Happy Valentine's Day Mommy, I love you!". How can you refuse that??

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Word of the Day

Word of the day is: Geico!! Yeah you read that right. Don't ask me. The kids are now at a point that if they even walk through the room and just hear a commercial they'll stop and ask questions about it or you'll hear parts of it repeated at random times during the day!!

They were just sitting here playing with cars and they started shouting Geico, Geico, Geico!! Crazy. The funny thing is the TV hasn't even been on this morning! It's crazy to think how big they're getting. I mean you know they had to have heard that recently... But when? And how long have they been saving it up?

Oh and while we're on the subject of a 3 and 4 year old's brain... What is with the booty fascination?? Jaycob picked it up at school, gets that its not right to talk about at school or on the bus, will gladly tell us such... But when I hear them playing alone everything is booty this and booty that.... Then you'll hear a big, "Booty! Ewwwwww!". (Thankfully it's not a fascination with the actual part right now, just the word!)

Just weird!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Story of a House (Almost done)

Well, Daddy went by the house today and said they had a cleaning crew in cleaning the house up. Friday we do a walk through to let them know what we think needs fixed before we move in. We have a small list already going, just minor stuff, nothing major! He did say that we don't have a fridge yet though. I'm thinking its on back order. I'm wondering if it will be in by the time we move in!!!

Sorry there's no pictures, there's really not anything to take pictures of any more except the fridge. That is until we start moving stuff in!!! I'm starting to get excited. Jaycob is super excited and keeps asking me when this or that will go over. Abygail hates visiting over there! LOL

Jaycob's bedding came in today and he loves! But now we can pick the paint for his room and double check Abygail's color that way we can start on that soon as we get keys!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Story of a House! (Carpet, Appliances, & More)

These are pictures from the 16th and 19th!

Living room carpet (from the foyer and sunroom, respectively)

Dishwasher & counters. And stove and microwave!

Mirrors in the master bath and 1/2 bath!

Kitchen counter top and playroom carpet!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Story of a House! (Cabinets & Deck)

Our deck! No, there's no steps going down. It's just supposed to be like a grilling deck. They can't put steps down per code since the black rail you see on the left are the steps up from the basement. If they were to put steps down it would block the exit. Not the brightest plan if you ask me, but long as we have somewhere to grill! Jaycob has yet to see this part and he'll be thrilled. When we were looking at the models Daddy joked and said this would be Oreo's place. Since then Jaycob has kept asking when we'll get one on our house!

And here's some upper cabinets. And the basement cabinet and sink.

The kid's bathroom cabinet and the master's. Yipee, the double sinks will be a new one for us!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Story of a House! (Hardwood & Tile)

Oh and lower kitchen cabinets! This is the hardwood we have in the sunroom, kitchen, and foyer.

Master bathroom's tile and tub faucet was put in. Along with the kid's bath tile and potty.

And this is the tile and potty in the basement bathroom.
Jaycob is starting to understand what's going. He's starting to ask if this and that are going with us. It started with asking about the small important to him things (his duck, blankets, puppies), now its different pieces of furniture he's worried about. Abygail doesn't get it. She thinks new house all new stuff, meaning all her stuff stays here. But I can understand that since we're buying her a brand new big girl bed and bedding set. So far she's not thrilled with the whole idea of a new bed or a new house!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow Day

First! For Aspen!

Today was a snow day! Jaycob doesn't normally have school on Mondays anyways, but Daddy got the day off of work too! The weather people guessed a good 6"-12" and we got it all!
We took out the kids this morning to play. I have to tell you it was a pain to find clothes that were going to keep them warm enough and dry enough. Even after the fact, Jaycob's feet were soaking wet when we came in! Poor guy!

Above: Our little snow piles. The snow was just packy enough to make these and snowballs, but anything bigger it would just fall apart. Daddy and I were kinda disappointed because we wanted to make a snowman. Me, Abygail, and Jaycob making snow angels! Below: Abygail just had to go down the slide! I think she ended up with a back full of snow to tell you the truth!

I have no idea what I was doing here in this second picture!