We went to local annual county fair yesterday! Around here its like the local 'thing'. Even all the schools are dismissed for the day due to the fair!
Here's some sheep which are completely sheered. Some of them even had little coats on. Of course without their wool the kids didn't recognize that they were sheep. Though Jaycob did eventually catch on and started mimicking the sound they made! I think that was part of what confused them is that sheep do not officially say 'Baa, baa' as we've told them all along!
And here's some pretty big stinkin' cows!! Jaycob was very interested, but once we asked him to go near this cow (the one on the left) he freaked out and wouldn't have anything to do with it! Too bad to since him standing near it would have given you a good size comparison. This beast was literally as big as my van and probably weighed just as much!!
Abygail really started flipping out about halfway through the cattle building so we had to get out of there and decided not to go near them again!
Jaycob enjoyed the rabbit and bird building. He really got into looking at all the chickens, hens, and whatever else their called! In this second picture he's yelling at the huge rooster that was 'Cock-a-doodle' ing at him!! It was too funny. The first few times he didn't think anything of it and even laughed at the rooster. But then he just started getting angry at it!!
Jaycob thought it was funny that the hens were eating out of cans!
While we were there we got to see some baby chicks standing in their food, 10 week old piggies, 12 week piggies, older pigs, and ducks all race around a track. We seen a horse or two, ate some fries, got free balloons and all kinds of other stuff, and played a couple games!
The pig and duck races I would have to say were Jaycob's favorite. I really tried to get some pictures of all the excitement, but its hard to catch a picture of those fast moving little buggers!! Who would think little pigs could move soooo darn fast!?!?
The horses pretty much bored him. All he really had to say was they were "big"!
He kept telling us the balloons would go up to the clouds and didn't trust himself with his balloon so it was our job to hang onto it!
The game I think he liked was where you just pay an outrageous amount to pick up one duck and it would either have an S, M, or L on the bottom of it. Which letter you got would tell you what level of toy you got to pick. Of course both the kids got S's because well its rigged that way! They both picked out these little stuffed monkey looking things.
They were both really good the whole time. Jaycob stayed by Daddy and Abygail actually stayed in the stroller way longer then expected. And of course wouldn't you know that the whole 3.5 hours we were there we actually did hold onto both balloons, but as we were leaving and I was packing up Aby's balloon untied itself from the stroller and "went up clouds"!! We're still hearing about it!!
We definitely plan on going back next year!!