Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Children's Museum

Today we went to the Children's Hands On Museum with Grandma, Aunt A, and Cousins E and S. Jaycob and Abygail have never been to a place like this before. Our children's museum in our area has been closed for quite some time and they say it won't open again until fall of 2009!!! So we were just thrilled at the opportunity to visit this children's museum!!

Abygail LOVED sitting in the ambulance. I just thought this picture of Cousin E was too cool!

All the kids were pretty amazed with this harp. Abygail of course wandered over and played by herself once the crowds left!!

The kids spent quite a bit of time in this old county store. Between the register, the money, the food, and obviously the heating radiator for Cousin S this room was hard to resist!

I really wish we could get something like this at home!

Jaycob would have spent all his time at this little thing if he had his choice. Each time you pushed the button the penguin would step up another step. Once he got to the top he would slide down the slide and it would start all over again! And Abygail kept returning to these magnets! Though she spent quite a bit of time with this sand writer too!

The toddler room was such a huge hit and we spent the majority of our time here. Of course the water table was a favorite among all the children. There was also a separate table where the kids could spray and scrub this HUGE rock. You'd be surprised how a rock, a spray bottle, and a dish scrubber can draw the children in!

Look at Abygail's facial expression!! I wish I knew what she was thinkin'. Jaycob and Cousin E kept coming back to the fire truck, taking turns who would drive or who would wear the hat (even though there were more then a few available!)

And last but not least... In this room we thought Jaycob would love the train table, but he quickly found it too boring and moved on to other things. This is what he spent his last remaining time doing. You pushed that big red button to the left of him and it would suck these shape pieces to the board. He thought it was great and spent a lot of time thinking about the shape, color, and size that he was going to place up there next!

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