Tuesday, March 20, 2007

He Likes It, Jaycob Really Does Like It!!

Today we went to a new place that opened up last week. Its called The JumpYard and its this place that's filled with a bunch of those balloon moonwalk things. Our play group was supposed to meet there this week, but sadly everyone had to cancel due to being sick. Everyone that is except Melissa and Kaylee! So we went a little earlier then planned.

We walked in and the kids were more then willing to get going! They stripped thier coats and shoes and went after it!! It being the giant balloons of course!!

Jaycob, leery of things they way he is, I thought I was going to really have to do some coaxing to get him on these things. I was wrong! He climbed right up on each one of them like he's done it all before. He loved all the slides and tunnels. He had such a blast!

Abygail on the other hand.... She hated all the balloons! She clung to me like a little monkey. She eventually warmed up enough that she let me put her down. They do have all kinds of jumpers, exersaucers, and other baby toys to make it a more family friendly place. So most the time I was playing with Jaycob and Kaylee while also keeping an eye on Abygail playing with all the baby toys. She never did warm up to the balloons and really could have cared less about what the rest of us were doing!!

After playing for about an hour and a half or so we came home, had lunch, and they both passed out soon after going to bed!!

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