Thursday, March 08, 2007

Paint 'N' Pottery

Play group today was at one of those paint and pottery places. Lots of breakable pottery pieces, wonderful place to have a play group for a group of 3 and unders you would think!! But actually we all did pretty good. We had over 10 moms and about 15 children between the ages of 8 weeks and 4, though I think the majority of the children were either 18 months or 30 months.

But anywho.... Jaycob and Abygail actually had tons of fun! They painted their tiles very nicely, with just the brushes and everything. But then I made a tile for each of them with their hand prints. Which gave them the wonderful idea to paint on their hand and smear it all over their tiles... So their tiles don't look so nice any more. All well, I'm still really anxious to see what they look like once they've been fired.

We'll have to go back out there and pick them up about this time next week. That's the bad part. It was a 45 minute drive there!! We live in the middle of no where here that we had to drive 45 minutes to get to a pottery place. We almost didn't go, I was worried about the drive there and back. But it went real well, the kids were really good!

On the way there Abygail fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Jaycob told me at every stop light to stop or go. And he talked about every car, truck, or woo-woo (anything with lights on it) at every light or that went zooming past us! For those of you who know him you'll find it just as astounding that he didn't even ask for a cup on the way there!! On the way back Abygail fell asleep within 5 minutes of being back on the road. And Jaycob did the exact same thing as he did on the way there!!

Ohhh I almost forgot... We also went out to eat with all the ladies and babies!! We went to Ruby Tuesdays. We called ahead so they could set up tables for us, but I think they were still surprised when we showed up! I think we had 7 moms, 4 children older then 2, and 7 younger then 18 months. Can you believe a restaurant like that only had 5 high chairs?? Hmmm, I thought it was a little odd! When we showed up (another woman and I) We got a couple of rude comments about what the noise level might end up being, but this was while their children were screaming!! Yeah go figure!!

In getting ready to go I completely forgot my camera. I had it in my hand ready to go and then... I don't know! I guess it will give me something to write about on Moron Monday! But all in all it was a good day. I'm so proud of my kids for being so good both in the van and at the pottery place!!
Note: Thanks Lisa for remembering the camera and sharing the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't have thought to take kids that young to a place like that either! In fact, I have never even thought about taking Kelsey anywhere like that....but since you guys had such a good time, I think I may look into it!
