Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, Library Day

I know inquiring minds would all like to know what kinds of titles we check out of the library. So here it is, you asked for it:

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? By: Bill Martin Jr Illustrated By: Eric Carle

Farmyard Families By: Kate Brookes Illustrated By: Mary Lonsdale

Rabbit Pie Written and illustrated: Penny Ives

Mama Mama By: Jean Marzollo Illustrated By: Laura Regan

Big Red Barn By: Margaret Wise Brown Illustrated By: Felicia Bond

(DVD) Brainy Baby's 'Animals, Apes to Zebras'

(DVD) Little Mammoth Media's 'The Big Aircraft Carrier'

Big Red Barn is indeed written by the same author as 'Goodnight Moon'... It is Abygail's absolute favorite at this point I would say. This is the 3rd time we've checked it out since we found the library. She keeps picking it out of all the other board books... AND she'll sit still for all of it and ask you to re-read it usually 3 times in one sitting!!

Jaycob is starting to interact more with the other children and adults at storytime. Though most the time it's to give back a cup that has rolled away. There are these two little girls (twins) that he just happens to adore, but you can tell he's too shy to talk to them!! Too cute

1 comment:

  1. "Big Red Barn" is a smash hit around here, too. And "Brown Bear..." was one of Isaac's favorites until he was about 11 months old, when he lost interest.
