Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Beach, Beetles, and Construction

We went to the beach again today! I'm loving this warm, but not scorching humid heat weather! At least this time Abygail would walk down to the beach. Last time she disliked the feeling of the sand so much that I carried her most the way down to the water! This time they both sat on the blanket and stayed there, for a while.

Abygail flipped her sandals off right away, Jaycob it took some convincing. Even though is was a nice balmy 70 + he insisted on wearing his coat. I think he was hiding in it from the sounds the construction vehicles were making. Though he did watch in awe most the time! He especially liked when the mini dump trucks dumped those large rocks!
Abygail at one point just all of a sudden jumped off the blanket and said "Dig a hole". And I really don't think she ever went back to the blanket! I think I have a budding beach bunny on my hands. She took it as far as to go down to the water by herself and let the waves wash over her feet. Me? I don't think I would have done that! That water is quite a bit still too cold for my liking! But hey, I wasn't going to discourage her from doing exactly what I thought I'd have to encourage her to do all summer!!
Jaycob on the other hand stayed put almost the whole time! He found a little beetle crawling on his toe and freaked out! From then on he was on beetle watch! Abygail was not afraid, she started terrorizing the poor little bugs! In this picture she's burying 3 of them in the sand!!

Of course I have to mention how much sea glass I found!!

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