Monday, March 26, 2007

A Squirrel

Jaycob's standing by the sliding glass door trying to tell me something, I'm not paying attention. Oreo goes over to the door, jumps and flips out on the door. I get up just in time to see a squirrel duck out underneath the fence. I looked at Jaycob and told him that was a squirrel, did he see the squirrel, is that what he was trying to tell me??

He looks at me, shakes his head yes and put both his hands up near his mouth... Took a minute for me to figure out what he was doing. He was showing me how the squirrel was eating! He then did it again and then signed eat and bird. I'm guessing the translation would be, "Mama, the squirrel was eating the bird food!!".

As I wrote out the first sentence up there he said, "There you are!" The squirrel had come back and we sat and watched him for a few minutes. Jaycob continued to put his hands up and pretend he was eating like a squirrel, making all the "MmmmMmmm" sounds he could come up with! All too cute! If only I can get him to do it again for Daddy later tonight!

Ohhh and there he is again... The word must have just got out that there's sunflower seeds over on this side of the fence! The kids are LOVING having a new 'thing' to watch out there.


  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Ohhh too funny!! I can just picture him getting all excited over a squirrel!! Cute cute!!

  2. So much better than television!
